Drill Bits
There are several types of drill bits out on the market today. The drill bit on the left is a twist bit and comes in steel which is inexpensive but does not stay sharp very long. You can also get these in High speed steel (HSS) which will last much longer. You can also get them titanium coated and carbide tipped which will both last longer but cost alot more. The next bit is a brad point bit which prevents skating and has wide flutes keeping it cooler longer. These are my favorite bits for drilling in wood. Especially wood pen blanks. The third bit is a bullet point drill bit, the ones I have are from Dewalt. These are also very good bits for drilling in wood and I would highly recommend for all wood projects even pen blank drilling.
The 4th bit shown above is a forstner drill bit. Used for drilling plug holes, clock inserts or any where a flat bottom hole is needed. The last bit pictured is a spade bit, used for drilling wood. I don't use this type bit very often. It is something I use if I have to drill a hole in a 2x4 to pass wire through.
The most common drill bit is the twist bit, which is very versatile and when purchased in HSS is a good all round bit.
Please visit my web site under general for more information on drill bits.
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