This is the new mini square from woodpeckers, I picked in up at wood craft. I need a small square I could use to square up my scroll saw blade with and this was perfect. The inside dimension is 1 1/8" by 2". Fits under by blade and make alignment easy. I also do alot of small projects like model ship building and doll house furniture, so this is great. Looks like it will work well squaring up a chisel as well. Its made in the USA, but plus.
This will be a handy addition to my shop. I have been cutting out puzzles on my scroll saw and having a squad bade is essential when making cuts or the parts will not slide in and out making the puzzle unusable. I use a Dewalt scroll saw and have been scrolling for about 7-8 years now. Scroll sawing is a relaxing form of woodworking. It takes my mind of my hectic days. Easy way to sit in my shop and enjoy life. If does not take up a ton of room and the clean up is easy.
Here is one of the scroll saw puzzles i just did, it is from the book,
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