This blog is about turning lidded boxes on the lathe.
I mounted a 3 X 3, 6 inch long pieces of spalted maple. I turned this round to about 2 1/2 inch diameter. Turned round using a roughing gouge. The block is held in place by a spur center and a live center on the other end.
At his point, I start to shape the lid and mark the lid location.
I use a parting to to cut a grove, where my lid will later be cut off.
Here the lid is being shaped. I used a skew to do most of this shaping, You can also see, I have made a indented grove on the top to be held in place using my four jaw chuck.
I use a four jaw chuck from Teknatool.
I have remounted the lid after cutting it off using a parting tool.
I am using the mini sorby hollowing tool for hollowing out the lid.
This is a great little tool and the handle is inter changable to use a skew and a spindle gouge.
Here is where I hollow out the body and size the opening for the lip to fit just right. I use both a caliper and trail and error to get the perfect snug fit on the lid.
I latter turn an ebony knob and glue into the top. This a nice little afternoon project. I use semi green wood. My lathe is a teknatool Nova. Most of my tools are sorby.